Sales Representative - Customer Encounter Studies

Our Sales Representative - Customer Encounter Studies bridge the gap between marketing and sales teams, revealing valuable insights into message execution and customer interactions. Through in-depth interviews, we identify key challenges and support needs, while pinpointing the attributes that distinguish top-performing sales representatives.

how sales representative detail and message physicians

Gaps often exist between marketing and sales teams that, when unaddressed, have a negative impact on business.

Marketing teams work tirelessly to identify the optimal product positioning and messaging for healthcare providers (HCP).

All this, however, hinges on how effectively (and whether) sales representatives execute the intended messages and marketing materials in the field.

In turn, sales representatives have practical insights into the limitations of the marketing materials and strategy and how to adapt to them in particular customer encounters.

These dialogue studies reveal what and how sales representatives discuss product messages, integrate resources, handle objections, and solve needs during their HCP customer encounters.

As the ethnographer spends extended time in conversation with each of several sales representatives, this type of research also points to their key challenges and needs for support in the field.

Insights on attributes, mindsets, behaviors that differentiate the top-performing sales representatives from their peers are routinely captured in these studies.

“Nick is a premier market researcher who executes a variety of qualitative and ethnographic methodologies with a high degree of mastery. He provides great value through his incisive and insight-bearing moderation and analysis, and he delivers practical recommendations cost-effectively. In my opinion, his company is consistently the best small-qual and ethnographic firm out there.”

- Associate Director of Market Analytics